History Of Singapore


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Old Changi Hospital


Old Changi Hospital was part of the military base established by the British at Changi. Block 24 was built on Barrack Hill between 1930 and 1935, while block 37 was added later. For entertainment and recreation, the Royal Engineers held cinema shows twice weekly at Old Changi Hospital in the 1930s
The period following the British surrender saw a dramatic increase in the influx of patients, and this led to the shifting of hospital facilities to the nearby Roberts Barracks, currently Changi Airbase. Subsequently, the Changi Hospital had likely housed prisoners of war or accommodation for Japanese troops.
With the return of the British after the Japanese Occupation, Changi Hospital was once again used as a hospital for British troops. The Royal Air Force also located the headquarters of Air Command South-East Asia in the building.
Changi Hospital's use continued after the British withdrawal, and block 161 was added in 1976 by the former Public Works Department to link blocks 24 and 37.
The buildings were vacated when Changi Hospital moved to Simei and was renamed Changi General Hospital in 1997.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this site, I'm researching my past as I was born in Changi hospital in the 60's, (now living in the UK) I've also been looking at your information on the Serangoon Garden Estate - Its so nice to see :)
